Activate Your Success!
Reprogram your mind in 30 days or less


Do you suffer from "imposter syndrome" and down deep inside are afraid that everyone will find out? Do you feel like the income, body, and relationships you want are just outside your reach?

There’s only one reason why we keep having the same experiences in our lives over and over...

we’ve been subconsciously programmed to have the life we have. 

If you have a recurrent problem that won’t seem to go away, it’s a sure sign that you’ve made an unconscious agreement with that problem.
 And you keep making it - EVERY DAY.

Activate Your Success in Less than 30 Days
This Exclusive Opportunity Includes:
  • One-on-one coaching plan for 30 days
  • Vision casting for goal attainment
  • Rapid Release of your most prominent block
  • Sensation-Based Mindset Alignment tools
  • Accountability plan and tracking
  • ​​​​​​​Access to our Core Resonance Remodeling Program​​​​​​​
Ani Anderson & Brian Trzaskos
Co-Creators of Sensation-Based Mindset
Ani Anderson (MS, OT, LMT, CEMP, SBMC) and Brian Trzaskos (PT LMT CSCS CMP MI-C)  have over 45 years and 86,000 hours of experience helping clients solve problems no one else could find the solutions to.  

Authors, speakers, teachers and bodymind experts, Ani and Brian are the co-creators of Sensation-Based Mindset Coaching, the methodology that gets to the core issues in the mind by addressing the myth that the mind lives between your two ears.

Committed to teaching at the highest levels, Ani and Brian are well known for their energetic and compassionate approach to teaching. They make even the most difficult concepts easy to understand and immediately applicable, helping people develop the emotional mastery to create lasting changes in their lives, businesses and relationships. 
Program Features Include:


  • The Core Resonance Remodeling Video Program (Value - $997)
    • You will need to understand HOW your mind works in order to re-program it.
  • Rapid Release Mini Session (Value - $1897)
    • This 1 hour session will reveal your core clarity and uncover your biggest block to success.
  • 30 Days of Accountability Tracking (Value - $997)
    • Receive a personal accountability tracker so you can re-wire your nervous system and change your programing.
  • Private Support (Value - $997)
    • 24 hour access via a private google document with our lead coach Ani Anderson.
  • Integration Call (Value - $497)
    • This 45 minute call will integrate your progress and plan your next action steps so that you make sure to continue your progress.
Value = $5,385
You Invest = $597!


Overview of your Core Resonance Remodeling Video Program

The Core Conflict
- How to remember your true purpose
- How true confidence is lost
- Why lack of confidence persists
- How the subconscious mind is programmed for repeated failure
- How to use Natural Law to consistently win
- Where the 3-human needs exist energetically in the body
Releasing the Conflict
- Leveraging the Universal Law of Vibration
- Revealing the core wounds
- How to be in true integrity
- How to release negative programming

- Bioenergetic Negative Pattern Disruption practice

Reclaiming Belonging
- Dissolve the illusion of false security
- How to transform fear and guilt
- Letting go of ancestral patterns
- Bioenergetic Grounding practice
Rebuilding Self-Worth
- The real reason you're frustrated
- Speaking your truth without apology
- How to ask for and receive what you really want
- Claiming your own authority
- Bioenergetic Centering practice
Reflecting Self-Love
- How to accept everything as it is
- How the “love myth” keeps us stuck
- Letting go of attachments
- How to dissolve toxic relationships
- How to transform shame
- Bioenergetic Connecting practice
Expressing Your True Power
- Aligning the 4 Powers
- Taking decisive action
- How to dissolve Core Wound defenses
- Healing the Core Wounds
- The Bioenergetic Confidence daily practice
Core Resonance Remodeling Routine
Follow along with Brian in this exclusive bodymind routine to re-wire your nervous system and core vibration from the inside out.

How much money and time are you willing to waste trying to fight your subconscious mind?
It's 95% of your total mind power... just saying...

Make your impact.
Activate your energy.
Get smart.

What our client's are saying...
Founder, Speaker Venture
"Business is the best it's been all year, just a few weeks after working with Ani and Brian!  If you are aware that there is more happiness, emotional stability. and magnetism out there for you, then sign up right away." - Jon Block, Founder of Speaker Venture
Occupational Therapist
"I have spent time in seminars with well known and respected individuals in the field of healing and metaphysics, who I admire greatly, and never got close to what I got from my work with Ani and Brian.” - Alicia Mena, Occupational Therapist
"Before this program I was being a quiet victim, not speaking up, but NOW I have the courage to speak my truth and also have the tools to recognize what’s subconscious rubbish dominating my thoughts. If you are considering the Core Resonance Remodeling program, don’t think about it, just trust and do it!!" -Jane Brannan, Registered Osteopath
Occupational Therapist
"Fantastic investment and highly recommended! Just 3 days into the 30 day protocol with the bodymind work is life changing for anyone who has that uptight feeling in their body." - Sharron Dugan, Occupational Therapist